Jackson Party Bus


You've looked at all of our suggestions, you've taken them to heart, and now you're ready to plan a night of fantastic Jackson bar hopping with all of your friends. We understand the excitement of a night out in Jackson, there's no doubt about that, and there's one thing that you can do in preparation of your night that will make all the difference. We're talking about your transportation! When you're in the area looking to have a carefree night with a group of friends, you'll definitely want to call Jackson Party Bus.

Think about it, when you're out enjoying the company of friends and the nightlife options offered to you in Jackson, the last thing you want to worry about is where you're going to meet up with friends, the thought of dealing with traffic, finding a designated driver, or even walking to the establishments. With a professional party bus in Jackson, you'll find that all of these things are already taken care of. This leaves your night with unlimited potential for fun! Give them a call when you're ready to have a night to remember in Jackson.

Jackson Party Bus has been providing luxury transportation to the city of Jackson and surrounding communities for years on end, and it's safe to say that they're the leading providers of transportation in the area. They're the company to call because of their long standing reputation, diverse vehicle choices, affordable rates, and amazing amenities. Each of their buses is crafted with your enjoyment in mind. They know how to make a bar hopping experience the best you've had with their courteous chauffeurs and impressive vehicles. Your night out on the town will simply be better with their services.

Pictured here you'll see one of their many party buses! This party bus, as you can see, has plush two-tone leather seats (for up to 34 passengers!), beautiful wood floors, several TVs, and vibrant lights! There's also a beverage cooler on board, DVD player, CD player, USB ports, and Bluetooth audio! Not to mention and incredible sound system! You can expect to find such awesome features on any bus you choose! You and your friends will have an unforgettable night out in Jackson when you have a party bus at your service!

Limos Jackson


If a party bus isn't your style, check out Limos Jackson and their beautiful fleet of limousines and limo buses! They're the premier limo company in Jackson and it's easy to see why! Not only do they have a vast fleet of limos, they have the best service and prices that are very affordable! Keep reading below to learn more about what they offer and why they're our favorite limo company in Jackson, Michigan!

Limos Jackson is a local limousine company with a gorgeous fleet of limos. Here you'll see their Escalade limousine, which is a beautiful limo for up to 20 passengers. This limo has jet wing doors, leather seats, vibrant laser and strobe lighting effects, a booming audio system, CD player, DVD player, Bluetooth audio, TVs, USB ports, and a spacious and beautifully lit beverage cooler. This gorgeous limo is just one of many!

Limos Jackson has amazing service. Their customer service agents and their drivers are so friendly and they'll make sure to take great care of you! They are available to you 24 hours per day! You can reach them at any time with questions or to schedule your Jackson limo rental! You can also set up your rental for any time, so no matter what you have planned you can count on some luxury transportation! If you're in the market for some great transportation for your night bar hopping, then give them a call!